
Maximum temperature in the office: From this temperature onwards there is a heat-free day

Maximum temperature in the office: From this temperature onwards there is a heat-free day

There are also rules and laws in Germany regarding maximum temperatures in the office. In this article, we will explain when there is a heat-free day at work and show you other interesting facts on the subject.

Maximum temperature in the office: This is how hot it has to be for a heat-free day

The so-called Workplace Ordinance has clear rules for maximum temperatures in the office. Health must not suffer and the employer is obliged to provide aids. Technical rule A3.5 states:

  • First of all, all windows and skylights must be shieldable – for example with blinds – to protect against direct sunlight.
  • From 26 degrees Celsius: From this temperature, the employer must at least counteract the sun and thus the heat with reflective devices or darkened glass. Plants can also be placed in front of the windows to provide sun protection.
  • From 30 degrees Celsius: If the temperature rises above 30 degrees, ventilation, or ideally air conditioning, must be available. But loose clothing and cool drinks can also be sufficient.
  • From 35 degrees Celsius: A room is now considered unacceptable for office work, and the employer must provide appropriate protective clothing. However, this is usually too expensive and the office is usually closed without further ado. However, as soon as the temperature drops below 35 degrees, work can continue.
  • People with health problems or who are pregnant can request appropriate measures at temperatures as low as 26 degrees Celsius. They must also be allowed to leave the office.
  • If the above rules are not followed, you can file a complaint with the works council. It doesn't hurt to politely inform your employer about the increased temperatures beforehand – at least that way the working atmosphere will remain pleasant.

Heat-free working from home? These are the rules for maximum temperatures

Here you should differentiate between teleworking, normal home offices and mobile working. The workplace regulations only apply if a permanent teleworking station has been provided by the employer.

  • These regulations include, among other things, that the employer provides the necessary equipment in the form of a screen, keyboard or office furniture such as an ergonomic office chair.
  • The room temperature is outside of his obligations, as this is outside the employer's sphere of influence.
  • The employer is therefore not obliged to implement the protective measures that apply in the office in the home office as well.
  • The employee must therefore ensure a comfortable room temperature on his own and cannot insist on being given time off due to heat.

Maximum temperature exceeded: These are the risks

Pay attention to your health, because too high a temperature in the office can pose serious risks:

  • Long working hours in an overheated office can lead to heat stress, which manifests itself in symptoms such as exhaustion, headaches and lack of concentration.
  • Without adequate cooling and sufficient fluid intake, you risk dehydration, which will affect your physical and mental performance. Therefore, even when temperatures are around maximum, make sure you drink enough and take breaks.
  • In extreme cases, heat stroke can occur when the body can no longer regulate its core temperature. This manifests itself in headaches, a rapid pulse, nausea and heavy sweating. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or others, call an emergency doctor immediately!

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