Artificial intelligence

Asking an AI questions: How it works

Asking an AI questions: How it works

Whether you're using ChatGPT, iAsk.AI or Jasper, use a few tips when asking questions to the AI ​​to get the answers you're looking for.

Ask questions: How AI gives you appropriate answers

In order for the AI ​​to answer your questions to your satisfaction, clear language and formal aspects are important:

  • Use clear, precise language: Make your questions specific, using language that is as simple and precise as possible. Avoid complex, vague or ambiguous wording.
  • Ask questions one after the other: Instead of putting everything you want to know into one prompt, ask sub-questions one after the other. Otherwise, the AI ​​may give you imprecise answers.
  • Consider formal aspects: Don't just make a search query along the lines of “plants for a shady balcony”, but write in complete sentences (with question marks). Observe the rules of spelling and grammar.

Tips for dealing with AI: Treat AI as a conversation partner

An AI program is not a human – nevertheless, when dealing with an AI it is helpful to use certain conventions from the “human world”:

  • Treat AI as a counterpart: Treat the AI ​​as if it were a real conversation partner. Just imagine you were asking a human the question(s) in question. After all, AI is trained to mimic human interaction.
  • Giving AI a role: By giving the AI ​​a role, you will get more precise answers. For example, write: “You are the CEO of a successful company. How would you ensure the satisfaction of your employees?”.

About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.