Household & Living

Cell Broadcast: How it is used on Warning Day and how it works

Cell Broadcast: How it is used on Warning Day and how it works

Cell Broadcast is a standardized disaster alert system that works with all current devices. Find out how it works here.

Disaster warnings via cell broadcast – A warning system from the BBK

Cell Broadcast is the hope for an effective and crisis-proof warning system. With the reintroduction of the nationwide alarm test day in 2020, it became clear that many systems do not work reliably and that the population cannot be informed across the board. With Cell Broadcast, this can be done without additional apps or sirens on every street corner.

  • Cell Broadcast is a warning system with which the BBK (Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance) can deliver warning messages to cell phones and smartphones throughout Germany.
  • To send a message, Cell Broadcast uses the Standard SMS-CB This uses very few resources so that networks are not overloaded. Due to the special operating mode, CB messages can be delivered not only to smartphones, but also to older cell phones.
  • Many European countries have been using the technology for years. It is important, however, that the standard only works where there is a network. Slow connections are not a problem, however, as only text content is transmitted.
  • The so-called cell broadcast messages (CB) will also be tested in Germany in the future.
  • Warning methods such as cell broadcast are used on nationwide warning days such as September 12and may possibly come into play in actual emergency situations.

Frequently asked questions and answers

How does cell broadcasting work?

  1. The control center receives information that a dangerous situation exists that could endanger the population.
  2. The cell broadcast message is then sent to all cell phone users in the affected area.
  3. All cell phones that are in a cellular network (and are not in airplane mode, for example) receive this message – without a special app.

Can my cell phone receive cell broadcast?

Not all phones can do this – you can check this list to see if your phone is able to receive these modular alerts. You should also make sure you have all the latest updates.

Cell Broadcast: How the warning method works

Messages sent via Cell Broadcast look like simple SMS messages because of their similar presentation. But that is not the case.

  • For example, no media can be sent. Only simple text is permitted. This can of course contain links to further information.
  • The cell broadcast messages appear prominently on your cell phone screen. Receiving the warning message triggers a siren on your cell phone at the highest alarm level. You will hear this siren regardless of your volume settings and even if your cell phone is on silent.
  • Basically, your phone must be switched on and connected to a cellular network. An empty battery, airplane mode or a missing SIM card can cause problems for the system.
  • The messages are not sent to all German cell phone numbers. That would be too complicated, resource-intensive and expensive. Instead, phone booths are instructed to send a message to all dialed-in devices. In the best case, this means that devices without a SIM card are also addressed.

This is the schedule for the Nationwide Warning Day 2024

12 September, 11:00 am: A continuous tone (siren) is triggered for one minute. At the same time, the cell broadcast system sends a warning SMS to all cell phone users.

September 12, 11:45 am: One minute continuous tone (sirens) and all-clear signal via the same devices.

These warning channels currently exist in Germany

To date, the NINA warning app is one of the official channels of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, which are easily accessible on smartphones.

  • Through this app you will not only receive news from the authorities, but also severe weather warnings from the German Weather Service.
  • However, not all Germans use the NINA app. This means that it is not suitable for widespread warnings, as users have to take action themselves.
  • For technical reasons, it is not always possible to receive messages. If the networks are overloaded or the Internet fails, you will not receive any alerts. Even on the device itself, the notifications are the same as those of any other app and can easily get lost.
  • Another alternative is the KatWarn app from the German civil protection agency.

Related topics:

  • Warning of disasters – the best warning apps
  • Severe weather warning apps: These 5 warn you reliably
  • Katwarn or NINA: Which warning app is better?
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