
Nationwide Warning Day 2024: Exact schedule, date & warning apps

Nationwide Warning Day 2024: Exact schedule, date & warning apps

The next nationwide warning day is planned for September 12, 2024. You can find all the information here. The aim of the warning day is to provide effective warning in the event of a disaster.

This is the nationwide warning day 2024

The nationwide warning day, which will take place on September 12, 2024is the fourth of its kind. The first took place in September 2020. This day is intended to raise awareness among the population about emergency situations and to check the functionality of the warning systems.

  • Time: From 11am You can expect the signal via cell broadcast as well as the siren alarm and the alarm via the warning app. Whether you will hear a siren alarm or not depends entirely on which municipality you are in. 11:45 am should there be another All clear give.
  • Although it was already determined on the first warning day that too many sirens had been dismantled in Germany, the situation had not improved by 2022. In 2023, it was then examined how well the population could be reached via warning devices. These included the existing sirens in the municipalities, as well as warning apps and, for the first time, warning messages via cell broadcast.
  • The Cell Broadcast is used to reach those smartphones that do not have a warning app installed. A signal is sent to all devices in the mobile network in the area. However, not all cell phones can be reached. You can find out whether your device is receptive to this from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.
  • In addition, Broadcasting and digital scoreboards to ensure that the entire population is warned. Other ways in which warnings will be given on September 12th include special websites, loudspeaker vans and authorities.
  • Why is there a warning day? It is designed to prepare the population for an emergency. It is also intended to test the emergency system. Possible dangers that the tested system would warn about include: natural hazards, major fires, attacks, supply problems and pollutants in the air or drinking water.

This is the schedule for the Nationwide Warning Day 2024

12 September, 11:00 am: A continuous tone (siren) is triggered for one minute. At the same time, the cell broadcast system sends a warning SMS to all cell phone users.

September 12, 11:45 am: One minute continuous tone (sirens) and all-clear signal via the same devices.

Didn't receive an SMS on the nationwide warning day 2024? This could be the reason

This Conditions must be fulfilled in order for you to Receive warning SMS can:

  • Cell phone turned on?
  • On iOS: Settings > Notifications (scroll all the way down) – all three check marks next to Cell Broadcast Alerts set
  • Airplane mode disabled?
  • In the mobile network?
  • Latest update?
  • Supported device?

If you Still didn't receive the SMS you will find further reasons and what you can do now in this FOCUS Online article.

The warning app NINA

In order to be able to receive a notification in an emergency regardless of existing sirens or a suitable smartphone or cell phone, it is recommended to download a warning app.

  • The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance recommends the federal warning app NINA on its website.
  • NINA warns of major fires and also provides flood information from the German Weather Service. The app also gives you current reports on the local Covid situation.
  • You can manually select the areas you want to be warned about or have your location monitored automatically.
  • With NINA you will be notified on September 12th from 11am.

You might also be interested in:

  • Warning of disasters – the best warning apps
  • Cell Broadcast: How it is used on Warning Day and how it works
  • Katwarn or NINA: Which warning app is better?
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