
Shadowban at Activision: What you can do about it

Shadowban at Activision: What you can do about it

A shadowban can catch Call of Duty players by surprise. This guide explains what a shadowban is, how it works, and what you can do about it.

What is a shadowban on Activision?

Shadowbans are a sensitive topic in the Call of Duty community. This type of ban is not officially communicated, but is done secretly by placing the affected player in special lobbies. In this article, you will learn how the shadowban system works and what you can do about it.

  • A shadowban is a covert measure that secretly excludes a player from regular multiplayer lobbies.
  • Affected players are placed in special lobbies with other banned players or cheaters.
  • Shadowbans are often triggered by mass reports, which can lead to unjustified bans.
  • The intention behind shadowbans is to remove fraud and toxic behavior from the community.

How do you find out if you are shadowbanned on Acitivsion?

A shadowban usually lasts between 7 and 14 daysDuring this time, Activision will review your gameplay. If no further rule violations are detected, the shadowban is usually lifted automatically. The following things may indicate that you have been shadowbanned by Activision.

  • If you have to wait a very long time to join a match (often more than 10 minutes), this could indicate a shadowban. Players who are shadowbanned are often moved to “suspicious player” lobbies, which only contain accounts that are also suspected of breaking the rules.
  • If you suddenly encounter cheaters or suspicious players in many matches, this could indicate that you have ended up in special lobbies for suspicious players.
  • Shadowbanned players are often placed in matches with very high ping values ​​because there are fewer players in these lobbies and the servers may be further away.
  • There are sites online where you can check if your account may have been flagged.

Myths about shadowbans debunked

Many players have tried different methods to avoid or lift a shadowban. Unfortunately, many of these strategies are ineffective and are based on myths and misinformation.

  • Playing in cheater lobbies or changing your nickname does not trick the anti-cheat system.
  • Linking all accounts to Activision or purchasing bundles does not protect against shadowbans.
  • Reinstalling Windows or manually changing the HWID does not affect the ban status.
  • Playing on old accounts or other PCs will not lift a shadowban.
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