PRAM reset: What does it do and how does it work?

PRAM reset: What does it do and how does it work?

A PRAM reset is a simple and safe procedure that can fix many common software problems on a Mac.

How a PRAM reset works

PRAM reset (Parameter RAM reset) is a technical process used on Apple devices, especially Macs, to reset certain settings to their factory defaults.

  1. PRAM (Parameter Random Access Memory) stores a variety of system settings that are important for the smooth functioning of the computer, including: speaker volume, screen resolution, time zone and clock settings, startup disk (which drive the system boots from), mouse and trackpad settings.
  2. If you're having unexplained problems on your Mac, such as incorrect screen resolution, no sound, or problems booting, a PRAM reset might provide a quick solution.
  3. This is especially useful when the affected settings cannot be corrected via the normal system menus.
  4. Resetting the PRAM will erase the stored parameters and replace them with default values. This will not affect any of your stored files or programs, it will only reset the system settings.
  5. After the reset, you may need to manually adjust some custom settings, such as preferred screen resolution or volume, again.

How to perform the PRAM reset

The process for resetting the PRAM is relatively simple and requires only a few steps. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn off Mac: Make sure your Mac is completely turned off.
  2. Restart Mac and hold keys: Press the power button and hold the key combination Option (alt) + Command + P + R pressed.
  3. Hold down the buttons: Hold down the keys for at least 20 seconds. During this time, your Mac may restart and you may hear the startup sound again (if your Mac plays one).
  4. Release keys: Once the boot process starts again or you hear the second startup tone, you can release the buttons.
  5. Check the settings: After the successful PRAM reset, you should check some settings such as volume and screen resolution as they might have been reset to default values.
  6. In some cases it may be useful to perform this reset two or three times in a row to ensure that all settings have been reset correctly.

About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.