MS Office

Counting characters in Word

Microsoft Word can automatically count the characters and words in your text and tell you how many pages, paragraphs and lines you have written. How to count characters and words with Microsoft Word If you…

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MS Office

Create a hyperlink in Word

Creating hyperlinks in Word makes it easier to access external content, improves navigation, and makes documents more interactive. How to create hyperlinks in Word Hyperlinks are indispensable elements in digital document creation. They are easy…

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MS Office

Excel: Calculate nth root and cotangent

You can use Excel to calculate nth roots and the cotangent. However, there is no direct function input for extracting roots. Excel: Calculate nth root and cotangent Excel does not offer any special functions for…

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MS Office

Excel: Draw a frame around a table

Drawing a frame in Excel provides clarity. Seemingly unrelated entries are given structure and can be understood at a glance. Excel: Draw a frame around table entries A professionally designed Excel document can make the…

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