Knowledge & Curiosities

Cirrus clouds: How they form and what they mean

Cirrus clouds: How they form and what they mean

Cirrus clouds form in the cold troposphere from fine ice crystals. They are always white and have a disheveled shape due to strong winds.

Cirrus: How clouds are formed

The name Cirrus comes from Latin and means French or HaarlockeThe name refers to the thin and frayed, rarely spotty shape of the clouds.

  • Cirrus clouds are clouds at a height of seven to thirteen kilometers (troposphere) that consist exclusively of Ice crystals Since at this altitude of the atmosphere there are permanent temperatures of about -40 times -50 degrees Celsius prevail, the ice clouds are always white or almost white.
  • The characteristic shape is created by strong Windbreaksthat are typical for this altitude. These include, for example, high altitude winds such as the jet stream, which often prevent them from forming a continuous surface. They are isolated.
  • Due to the winds, the cirrus clouds take on different shapes that define the type more precisely. These include The herd (floccus), Fibers (fibratus), Stains (spissatus), Hook (uncinus) or Towers (castellanus). They can also lie on top of each other or intertwine.
  • Since they are pure ice crystal clouds, they take on dusk often take on the color of the sky, ranging from yellow to red.
  • Notice: The condensation trails of airplanes flying at this altitude are also cirrus clouds. The water vapor generated by the turbines immediately changes its state of aggregation to ice needles, which create the familiar cloud streaks in the sky.

Meaning of clouds

Do you see cirrus clouds in the sky? can these indicate a certain weather.

  • Cirrus clouds usually indicate low pressure areas that one to two days This is especially the case when cirrus clouds of the uncinus (hook-shaped) type condense or the spissatus (flat-like) form is present.
  • Also possible are sudden onset Summer Gewittswhen the cirrus clouds advance quickly. They can then form cumulonimbus (thunderclouds).
  • But there are often also Fair-weather cirrus clouds. They do not primarily form a cloud cover and the blue sky is still clearly visible.
  • Danger: Cirrus clouds are not a reliable indicator of a thunderstorm or low pressure area. Because of their height, they are associated with numerous other bad weather phenomena, so they serve more as a potential warning.

Also interesting:

  • Formation and effects of cumulus clouds
  • How Asperitas clouds are formed
  • Mammatus clouds: formation and impact at a glance
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