
Difference between x64 and x86

Difference between x64 and x86

Many users are unclear about the difference between x64 and x86. However, this information can be helpful or even necessary in some cases.

x64 and x86: What's different?

The terms x64 and x86 refer to the processor chips of computers.

  • x64 processors are much more powerful and support the more powerful 64-bit version of Windows. x86 processors, on the other hand, only support the 32-bit version.
  • The 64-bit versions of Windows run much faster because not only does the x64 processor deliver higher performance, but more memory can also be used.
  • Nowadays, hardly any computers are delivered with 32-bit versions, as x86 processors are also becoming increasingly rare.
  • Problems with compatibility between the 64-bit system and individual programs also hardly occur anymore. However, there are still some older programs that you cannot use with a 64-bit version.
  • You can find out whether you have an x64 or x86 processor installed in the Control Panel under the menu item “System and Security” and then under the item “System” (see image).

Also interesting:

  • Find out system requirements of PC games online
  • Testing the processor for errors – here's how
  • Installing a new processor – what you need to consider

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