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Freeletics Coach: How to create your individual sports plan

Freeletics Coach: How to create your individual sports plan

A Freeletics Coach is an individual or personalized training plan. You can use it to lose weight or get fit.

The Freeletics Coach: A helpful tool for sports enthusiasts

The Freeletics Coach lets you design your Freeletics training completely individually. The weekly plans are tailored to you personally. Because you give feedback continuously, your fitness levels adjust automatically. The coach is essentially capable of learning. Based on your feedback after the training sessions, he evaluates individual weaknesses and strengths. This allows you to influence the pace.

  • To ensure that the training plan is tailored to you, you must first enter some personal information into the system. You will be asked when your birthday is, how much you weigh and how tall you are. You will need to update your profile from time to time to reflect your weight.
  • Depending on your fitness level and personal goal, you will be suggested so-called journeys. From these, you select your preferred journeys. Finally, you set training days and select restrictions and available equipment. Then you activate or deactivate the Sprints and Runs category.
  • The coach will then generate your training session for you. The units include workouts, intervals, runs and exercises. After each training session, the coach will ask you how you are doing and how you felt about the training session. In order for the training to continue dynamically and according to your needs, the coach needs honest information.
  • To see your success, select your personal coach view. Here you can see your progress and the training sessions that are still outstanding. If you are unable to train on a set date, the exercise will automatically be postponed to the following day.
  • Most Journeys end with a Hell Week. You will also receive 7 sessions with a tailor-made workout program. You should master these training sessions as quickly and as perfectly as possible. You can then choose new Journeys or repeat old ones.

Choosing the right Freeletics Coach

After successfully completing the placement test, you choose your personal Freeletics Coach, where you can make further selections. There are three areas in which you have a lot of training sessions available. Choose Cardio, Strength and Cardio-Strength.

  • Cardio stands for endurance. If you want to increase your endurance effectively, choose Freeletics Trainer Cardio. In this area, the goal is to achieve new personal bests so that you can run longer distances without getting out of breath. There are also endurance-boosting Freeletics exercises. The reward is energy and toned muscles.
  • The Strength Coach helps you to strengthen your entire body. The focus is on building muscle. You should choose this if you have had problems gaining weight in the past.
  • Cardio-Strength takes it up a notch. This training area combines strength and endurance. In addition to building muscle, fat burning is also on the agenda. As part of the training plan, you will be advised to take care of your diet. Here you will receive suggestions and can also book additional nutrition plans.