
gamescom – prepare properly for the trade fair

gamescom – prepare properly for the trade fair

Gamescom will be celebrated again in Cologne in mid-August. Time to prepare properly. We'll help you and give you tips for the perfect approach to the games fair.

gamescom: Prepare for arrival and stay

The gamescom in Cologne is the world's largest trade fair for interactive games and entertainment. Up to 350,000 visitors flock to the exhibitors' halls every year. Chaos and a huge mess are inevitable if you don't prepare sufficiently. However, with our tips you can get through the games fair unscathed.

  • On the official gamescom website you will find important information about road traffic in the area around the exhibition center, depending on whether you are arriving by car, train, plane or public transport.
  • If you want to stay at gamescom for more than just one day, you will need somewhere to stay overnight. On a gamescom subpage you will find important information about partner hotels and apartments in Cologne. Since prices rise dramatically during the trade fair, it is also worth taking a look at private offers on AirBnB or local Facebook groups.
  • So that you don't have to find your way around on site, we recommend that you look at the hall plans in advance. The official gamescom apps are helpful on site; they are available for both Android and iOS. At the same time, you should familiarize yourself with the opening times of the trade fair and plan in advance which exhibition stands you would like to visit.
  • You can use your entrance ticket as a ticket for free on local public transport in Cologne – as long as you are travelling to the trade fair or back. The best way to find out about the right connection is to contact the Cologne Transport Company AG. However, make sure that you do not travel without a ticket, otherwise you could face heavy fines!

Essential information for visiting gamescom

Several kilometers on foot, hours of queuing and much more – surviving at gamescom is not for the faint-hearted. With the following tips, you will be better prepared for the trade fair than ever before:

  • At gamescom you can pick up free products at many of the stands. You should bring a backpack with enough space for trade fair gifts. However, you should only take the bare essentials with you to the trade fair; your back will thank you at the end of the day.
  • There are often food stands between the exhibitors' stands at gamescom. However, the prices of the food on offer there are relatively high, so you should take plenty of water, small finger food meals or enough cash for food with you. You will often also find free water bottles at the entrances, which you can refill in the toilets if necessary.
  • Don't forget your ID! You will need this to get the appropriate age wristband – gamescom takes youth protection very seriously. You can collect your wristband free of charge in the outside and entrance areas upon presentation of your ID or directly in the exhibition halls.
  • Since you will be covering many kilometers during the day, you should only wear well-worn and comfortable shoes. A camping chair with a backrest is recommended for the waiting time. A piece of clothing or a towel folded up as a pillow can also provide a little relief. If you are standing in line and are not sure whether you are just expecting a new trailer or exclusive minutes of gameplay, just ask so you don't end up disappointed later.
  • At gamescom you can try out lots of things and are usually given a touchpad or a controller. Many visitors have already had the exhibitor's device in their hands. For this reason, you should definitely carry a hygienic hand gel in your backpack that you can use to eliminate possible pathogens. Please also be considerate of your surroundings – take a shower before the trade fair and put on deodorant. You could also take an extra T-shirt with you.
  • To avoid getting bored in line, you should find something to keep you entertained. For one thing, you could always keep yourself busy with your cell phone, but remember to bring an external power bank! Many exhibitors also offer the option of charging your device using a charging cable while you are sitting in line.
  • A small handheld console like a Nintendo Switch is also a good option. If you want to be independent of electricity, you can of course just bring a book with you. How about the Metro 2033 trilogy, for example?

Everything about gamescom

General tips about the trade fair, its schedule and how to spend your time afterwards can be found here.

  • If you really want to play a game, make a note of the location on the hall map and, if possible, be there when the halls open. Exhibitors may close a line as early as 4 p.m. or even earlier if there are too many people queuing up beforehand.
  • In general, you should keep a few tips and tricks in mind to avoid having to wait in line forever.
  • If all the running around and waiting is already giving you a headache, the Indie Area would be perfect for you! Here you can talk to small development studios and play lots of creative games in a cozy atmosphere. Just around the corner is the Cosplay Village, where people dress up like their idols.
  • The “gamescom City Festival” takes place in the city during the trade fair with several stages and a colorful program including street food stands.
About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.