
GEZ (broadcasting fee) for the second home: This is the legal situation

GEZ (broadcasting fee) for the second home: This is the legal situation

The topic of “GEZ for second homes” often raises questions, as the broadcasting fee is generally charged for every home. However, there are exceptions and special regulations.

GEZ for second homes: This is what the law says

Since 2018, it has been possible to be exempted from the broadcasting fee for a second home. To do this, you must submit an application to the responsible state broadcasting authority. The following requirements apply:

  • To obtain an exemption, you must prove that You as applicant already pay the broadcasting fee for your main residence. This can be done by means of a fee number or a corresponding notice.
  • To support your application, you should enclose copies of your identity card, registration certificate and the notice of the broadcasting fee paid. These documents serve as proof of your information. Without complete documentation processing may be delayed.
  • To apply, you must register with your residents’ registration office registered with both apartments be.
  • Since 1. November 2019 There is a law that allows both spouses to only for the main residence GEZ In the past, the Contribution Service had required that the spouse separately had to register if he also used the second home.
  • Special regulations for students and trainees: Students and trainees who have a second home can also benefit from the exemption. However, this requires that they are already paying contributions at their main residence or live in a shared flat where contributions are not paid. This regulation makes the financial situation easier for many young people.

Further information on GEZ and second residence

Now that the most important points regarding exemption have been clarified, there are other aspects that you should consider in connection with the broadcasting fee and second homes.

  • One liberation of the broadcasting fee for the second home generally applies to the Duration of one yearAfter that, the exemption must be applied for again, provided the second residence still exists. If you miss this deadline, the full contribution will be due again.
  • It is possible to retroactive exemption but only for a maximum of three years. To do so, you must prove that you have already paid the contribution for your main residence during this time. Without this proof, a refund is not possible.
  • If you change your second residence to your main residence, the exemption automatically expires. In this case, you must ensure that the broadcasting fee is paid for the new main residence from this point onwards. A change of registration should therefore always be made promptly in order to avoid additional costs.
  • Our tip: Check your notices and bank statements regularly to ensure that you are not making duplicate payments. If you notice that payments are still being debited despite being exempt, contact the relevant authority immediately.


  • Get your GEZ fees back: How to save 630 euros
  • GEZ re-register: How to change your address
  • Avoiding the broadcasting fee (GEZ) – is that possible?
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