Leisure & Hobbies

“How are you doing?” – What answer you can give

"How are you doing?" - What answer you can give

“How are you doing?” is a frequently asked question in English, but what is the right answer? You have several options.

Which answer fits to “How are you doing?” depends

In English-speaking countries, people often ask “How are you?” or “How are you doing?” Even though the translation means “How are you?”, the answer to this question is still not that simple.

  • Because unlike in German, here you have to differentiate whether it is just a greeting or whether the person asking really wants to know how you are.
  • “How are you?” is a phrase that is often used as a greeting, for example in the supermarket, among neighbors or in a restaurant. An honest answer is usually not expected.
  • So what you answer to “How are you?” depends on who is addressing you in which situation. If it is a stranger who just wants to say hello, you should reply: “I’m fine, thank you!” or “Very well, thanks”. It is polite to ask a counter question: “How about you?” oder “And how are you?”.
  • If you're close to someone, you can respond in more detail to “How are you doing?”, as this shows that they're genuinely interested in how you're doing. However, most people will still respond with positive reserve and wait for you to ask more questions.

Matching answers for “How are you doing?”

If you don't want to just answer “How are you?” with “I'm fine”, you have numerous other possible answers in English that are appropriate.

  • “Could be better! How about you?” – “It could be better! How are you?”
  • “I'm OK, very busy at the moment!” – “I'm OK, very busy at the moment.”
  • “I'm fine, I've had a great day so far!” – “I'm fine, I've had a great day so far!”
  • “Not too bad!” – “Not bad!”
  • “Amazing!” – “I'm doing great!”
  • “I'm alright.” – “Everything is ok with me.”
  • “Not the best.” – “It could be better.”
  • “Never better.” – “I've never felt better.”
  • “I can't complain!” – “I can't complain!”

Difference between “How are you?” and “How are you doing?”

Translated, both “How are you?” and “How are you doing?” mean the same thing. With both questions, you are checking on the well-being of the person you are talking to. And yet there is a subtle difference.

  • “How are you doing?” is used more informally and is often used among family or friends. You can answer honestly and in more detail here.
  • On the other hand, you should ask “How are you?” to someone you see for the first time or if you want to start small talk. An answer is not expected, or you can just say “Alright” even if you are having a bad day.
About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for votoh.com, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.