Car & Mobility

How long does an e-bike battery last? Information on lifespan

How long does an e-bike battery last? Information on lifespan

How long an e-bike battery lasts does not depend on how long you have had it, but rather how often you use it – and charge it.

How long an e-bike battery lasts on average

Anyone who invests in an e-bike wants to get as much use out of it as possible. Of course, battery life also plays an important role.

  • On average, an e-bike battery lasts about 1000 charging cyclesThis means you can fully charge and use it about 1000 times before it wears out.
  • Depending on how often you use your e-bike, this results in a Lifespan of approximately five to six years and a Mileage of 57,000 kilometers for the battery.

How to extend the life of your e-bike battery

In order for your battery to really reach its full potential, it is important that you not only charge it properly, but also clean and maintain it regularly.

  • Make sure you charge your battery to at least 90 percent after every ride and avoid deep discharging below 10 percent. Always use the original charger from your e-bike manufacturer and only charge in rooms with smoke detectors and without flammable materials.
  • If you only ride your e-bike rarely, remove the battery, charge it to at least 30 percent, and store it in a dry room at a temperature of around 10 to 20 degrees.
  • Clean the battery with a damp microfiber cloth to remove dirt after driving. You can use a contact spray for the contacts.

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