
Imprint for website: Is it mandatory? What you should keep in mind

Imprint for website: Is it mandatory? What you should keep in mind

If you offer goods online, there is an obligation to provide an imprint in Germany. The imprint must contain certain mandatory information.

Legal notice requirement for websites: What you should know

The imprint is intended to provide website visitors and customers with information about the owner of the website and to recognize your website as reputable. As the operator of a website used for business purposes, consumers must have the opportunity to contact you and, if necessary, assert legal claims.

  • According to the Digital Services Act (DDG), websites that pursue a commercial purpose are required to have an imprint. So if you offer products for sale on a website, you need an imprint.
  • And even if you place advertising on a private website through which you generate income, the imprint requirement applies.

Mandatory information in the imprint: These minimum requirements apply

For a legally compliant imprint, it must meet certain minimum requirements in the form of certain mandatory information. You can use templates for this. If you are unsure, seek professional legal advice.

  • As so-called natural person The imprint contains your name and address (street with house number and place of residence) as well as your email address and/or your telephone number. In addition, your business identification number, your VAT identification number and your commercial register number may be included.
  • If legal entityIf you run a company, you should include the name of the company, the name of the person authorized to represent it, the company address, the legal form (for example, GmbH), a telephone number and/or email address in the imprint. The business identification number, the VAT identification number and the commercial register number are also mandatory details, if available.

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