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Iyengar Yoga: meaning, origin and special features of the style

Iyengar Yoga: meaning, origin and special features of the style

Iyengar Yoga is a special form of Hatha Yoga that is particularly suitable for people who want to improve their posture, balance and strength.

This is what Iyengar Yoga is all about: origins and special features

For yoga you usually only need a yoga mat, comfortable clothing and a bit of flexibility. Iyengar yoga is different: This special form of Hatha yoga uses all kinds of aids to help yogis and yoginis perform the poses as precisely as possible.

  • Iyengar Yoga was invented in the 1930s by an Indian guru named BKS Iyengar. When developing his own form of yoga, it was particularly important to him that the exercises were performed as precisely as possible, so he began to use special materials as support.
  • The so-called props used in Iyengar yoga include pillows, blankets, a meditation bench, yoga bolsters, yoga straps or yoga blocks. These also help prevent injuries.
  • In contrast to other yoga styles, Iyengar yoga is less about spiritual flow, and there is no music, mantras or meditation sessions. The focus is on a sequence of asanas, the special yoga postures that are performed under strict supervision, and the associated breathing techniques.
  • This has several advantages: If you are a beginner looking for a yoga style to achieve better posture but don't dare to try classic yoga, you can be successful with Iyengar yoga thanks to the precise instructions from the teacher and the equipment. Strength and a sense of balance are also improved. Tension and back pain can be relieved and prevented through the exercises.
  • And of course, Iyengar yoga has a relaxing effect on the mind, which is why it is well suited to reducing stress. This type of yoga is even possible for people with physical limitations, and even advanced students can still learn and benefit from it.

This is how Iyengar Yoga works

If you would like to try Iyengar Yoga, you should look for a studio near you that offers this special form of yoga. Since it is about the precise execution of the asanas, it is crucial that you are instructed correctly.

  • A course unit usually lasts 90 minutes and always follows the same pattern. During the warm-up phase, simple breathing techniques and mobilizing asanas are practiced. This is followed by activating the body with exercises that are performed while standing.
  • To deepen the practice, there are Aasanas while lying down and sitting. Finally, there is a relaxation phase with breathing exercises, inversions and the “corpse pose” Savasana.
  • The aids can be used during the exercises – but it is not a must that you use them. Typical of Iyangar Yoga is the high level of discipline that prevails in the yoga class – including stern looks from the teachers. If you can do without the spiritual part of the yoga class and like it structured, this is the right place for you.

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