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Jivamukti Yoga: definition, exercises and risks of the style

Jivamukti Yoga: definition, exercises and risks of the style

Jivamukti Yoga combines dynamic asanas with spiritual practice. But the demanding style also carries risks. What you should watch out for.

What is Jivamukti Yoga? Definition and origin

Jivamukti Yoga is more than just physical training. It combines asanas, meditation and ethical principles. But what makes this style special and what should practitioners know and is it perhaps the right yoga style for you?

  • Origin and philosophy: Jivamukti Yoga was developed in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York. This yoga style combines dynamic, sweaty asanas with spirituality and ethical principles such as non-violence (Ahimsa). Special yoga clothing is useful here.
  • Combination of asanas and music: In contrast to traditional yoga styles, such as Hatha Yoga, Jivamutki Yoga is accompanied by contemporary music such as hip-hop, electronic and pop, but also classical music. This creates an energetic atmosphere, generates emotions and motivates.
  • Integration of meditation and chanting: Another central feature of Jivamukti Yoga is chanting, the singing of mantras. This is intended to promote concentration and calm the mind. This makes it clear that Jivamukti Yoga is more than just a physical workout: it is about a spiritual lifestyle.
  • Ethics and veganism: Another central aspect of Jivamukti Yoga is ethical living, especially veganism. In Sanskrit, Jiva stands for the individual, the soul that is inherent in every living being. It is therefore logical that peaceful coexistence is a high principle in Jivamukti Yoga. It is an attitude to life.
  • Spiritual practice: Jivamukti Yoga is a modern style of yoga that, in addition to the exercises (asanas), also includes the study of texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. These spiritual texts are intended to deepen the connection between body and mind.

Risks and criticism of Jivamukti Yoga

Although Jivamukti Yoga has many followers, including celebrities like Madonna and Sting, there is also criticism. The style is demanding and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. What should you look out for?

  • High physical demands: The dynamic and fast sequences of the asanas can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. If the asanas are not performed correctly or improperly, there is a risk of injury.
  • Danger of being overwhelmed: The pressure to achieve spiritual and physical perfection can cause stress instead of inner serenity and peace. Yoga is characterized by listening carefully to your body and not going beyond your limits. This also applies to Jivamukti Yoga.
  • Criticism of Guru worship: Jivamukti Yoga is criticized by some for its strong guru worship. This can lead to yoga teachers exercising their power, which can lead to unhealthy structures and dependency.
  • Inappropriate adjustments: In the past there have been reports of teachers making inappropriate physical adjustments to asanas. Make sure you practice in a safe and respectful environment and respect your boundaries. This of course applies to all styles of yoga.
  • Psychological stress: The intensive spiritual practice can be emotionally stressful. Mental stability is a prerequisite. It may make sense to have this checked out professionally beforehand.

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