
Keyboard misalignment: The 5 best tips

Keyboard misalignment: The 5 best tips

If you have accidentally adjusted the keyboard or the keys do not respond as expected, the problem can be quickly resolved.

Keyboard misaligned: How to solve the problem

If your keyboard suddenly starts printing incorrect characters or reacting differently than expected, there are simple solutions:

  • Numbers instead of letters: This problem often occurs when the “Num” key is enabled. Press the (Fn) + (Num) keys at the same time to disable the numeric keypad.
  • “Y” statt “Z”: If the “Y” and “Z” keys are swapped, you have probably switched the keyboard layout to English. Press (Alt) + (Shift) to switch back to the German layout.
  • Text will be overwritten: If existing text is being overwritten, the “Paste” function is probably enabled. Press the (Insert) key to disable this.
  • All letters are capitalized: This happens when Caps Lock is on. Press Caps Lock again to turn it off
  • Check keyboard settings: Go to “Keyboards and input methods” in Windows Settings to make sure the correct language settings and keyboard shortcuts are used

Frequently asked questions and answers

Which keys do I have to press to get the old language back?

Around the Keyboard To switch back to German, try using the key combination ALT + SHIFT.

Where can I adjust the keyboard?

The Keyboardlayout you can switch with the keyboard shortcut. You can change this via the settings in “Time and Language”. Press “Language” and scroll down until you reach the tab “Select an input method to always use as default.”

How do I unlock the keyboard?

To lock or unlock the keyboard lock, you need to press a key combination. This is the “Fn” key.

Keyboard problems: More tips

Most keyboard problems are easy to fix. If the tips above didn't help, try this too:

  • Check if your keyboard drivers are up to date. To do this, go to Device Manager and update the drivers if necessary.
  • Sometimes dirt or dust under the keys can cause problems. Clean your keyboard carefully. Use a compressed air spray.
  • If you are using an external keyboard, try connecting a different keyboard to see if the problem persists. This can help determine if it is a software or hardware problem.
  • If none of these measures help, the keyboard probably has a hardware defect. Invest in a new keyboard. Pay attention to quality and ergonomics when buying.

Also interesting:

  • Keyboard opens programs and windows: That's why
  • Keyboard writes backwards – what to do?
  • How to display a virtual keyboard
About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for votoh.com, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.