MacOS: Set French “quotation marks”

MacOS: Set French “quotation marks”

Making French quotation marks like (») and («) on Mac is possible with a simple keyboard shortcut.

French quotation marks on Mac: How to use them

In Apple's macOS operating system, you can use French quotation marks, known as “guillemets” or “chevrons,” with a simple key combination. You can use French quotation marks instead of German ones if, for example, you want to write a book or publish a short story. French quotation marks are common in books.

  • Opening quotation mark (»): You can insert the opening quotation mark (») using a three-key combination. Hold down the Shift key and the Option key at the same time. Now also press the “Q” key.
  • The Shift key is on the left as the second key from the bottom with the “arrow pointing up” symbol. The Options key has “option” written on it. It is in the bottom row as the third key from the left. Since both keys are close together, you can easily operate them with one hand.
  • Closing quotation mark («): For the closing quotation mark («), just press the option key (“option”) and the “Q”.
  • Once you have automated the steps for the French quotation marks, these keyboard shortcuts will be very easy to use when writing. You can also connect the Apple Magic Keyboards to an iPhone such as the iPhone 16 or iPad.
  • If you wish, you can also permanently save the French quotation marks as a keyboard shortcut by changing the keyboard shortcuts on the Mac via the operating system's system settings.

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