
Magic the Gathering: Commander simply explained

Magic the Gathering: Commander simply explained

Magic Commander, also known as EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander), is a special and extremely popular format in the card game Magic: The Gathering.

Basics of Magic Commander

MTG Commander is a card game for two to four players. Commander differs from most other games in the way the decks are constructed and the importance of the Commander, a special creature that determines the strategy.

  • You play with a deck of exactly 100 cards, with each card except basic lands only being allowed to appear once. This variety of cards makes for unpredictable and exciting games, as you cannot rely on recurring card combinations.
  • Your Commander is a legendary creature that starts outside your deck in the Command Zone. You can access this creature at any time and build your strategy around it. All cards in your deck must match the color of the Commander. This limits the choice of cards, but at the same time encourages creativity in deck building. Another key aspect is that the game starts with 40 life points per player rather than 20, which leads to longer and more complex games.
  • Commander games are often multiplayer games with four or more players, which increases the social and political element. Players must not only play their decks optimally, but also form alliances, negotiate, and act strategically to win. This makes Magic Commander particularly dynamic and exciting, as the game can take an unexpected turn at any time.
  • An important point in Magic Commander is the Commander Tax. Every time your Commander is brought into play from the Command Zone, you have to pay two more colorless mana than the last time. This tax ensures that the game does not become too one-sided and encourages you to develop different strategies instead of just relying on your Commander. This keeps the game balanced and exciting, even if your Commander comes into play multiple times.
  • Aside from the structure and social element, Magic Commander is characterized by the variety of cards available. Since the format allows cards from almost all Magic sets, the possibilities for deck building are almost unlimited. This allows you to tailor your deck exactly to your playing style and preferences and also bring older or more unusual cards back into play.

Strategies and tactics

A successful strategy in Magic Commander requires a thoughtful selection and combination of cards.

  • Unlike other formats where certain cards or combinations dominate, Commander requires flexibility. You need to prepare for different scenarios. Your deck strategy should be based on your Commander and take advantage of his strengths. Choose cards that work synergistically with your Commander and complement his abilities. Look not only for strong cards, but also for those that will give you a long-term advantage.
  • Another aspect is resource management. Magic Commander is all about using your resources wisely and keeping an eye on your own needs as well as the actions of your fellow players. This is not just about mana and life points, but also about the cards in your deck and hand. Plan your moves so that you remain able to act throughout the game. If you start too aggressively, you can quickly run out of resources to react to what is happening in the game.
  • Timing also plays a big role. In Magic Commander, you often have to judge when is the best time to put your Commander into play or play certain cards. Acting too early can quickly lead to your plans being thwarted, while acting too late can minimize your chances. So watch closely how the game develops and try to surprise your opponents.
  • The politics within a game should not be underestimated. Since Magic Commander is often played in a multiplayer format, agreements, alliances and bluffing can decide the outcome of a game. Use these social aspects to play opponents off against each other or to find allies who can help you in the short term. But remember that these alliances are often short-lived and in the end only one can win.
  • Finally, be prepared to update your deck regularly. Because Magic Commander is a very dynamic format, metagames and trends can change quickly. Watch what decks and strategies are successful and adjust your deck accordingly. This doesn't mean you have to constantly swap out cards, but some flexibility and willingness to try new ideas is beneficial.

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