
Not drinking enough: an overview of symptoms and consequences

Not drinking enough: an overview of symptoms and consequences

In everyday life, it can easily happen that we drink too little water. This manifests itself in various symptoms and can have serious health consequences.

These symptoms occur when you drink too little

The human body consists largely of water and it constantly needs new fluids to maintain all functions. If it is warm or you are doing physically demanding work, you also use more water than if it is cool and you are resting. The body uses water for various functions and you constantly sweat it out.

  • If your body uses 0.5 to 3% of the water, you will feel thirsty. This is your body's way of signaling that you need water. Even at this level, you will be less concentrated than if you have enough fluids.
  • If you lose up to 5% of your water, you will get a headache. Your mouth will dry out and you will be less able to concentrate and perform at a lower level.
  • If you lose more than 5% of your water, your blood volume will decrease. Your heart will have to work much harder to pump blood through your body, although it will not be as efficient due to the loss of water.
  • If you lose 6% or more of your body's water, your body may react with fever. Nausea and dizziness may also occur.
  • If your body has about 12% less water, you will become confused because your brain does not have enough fluid. You will become disorientated and will no longer be able to understand what you are doing. Your circulation may also collapse.
  • Death from heart failure occurs at a water loss of 15% at the latest.

How to drink water properly

Drinking enough water is important to help you stay focused and feel active. Here's what you can do to help your body absorb water properly.

  • It usually makes no difference whether you drink tap water or still water from a bottle. Carbonated water also provides you with fluids.
  • However, you cannot drink two liters at once and then not consume any more liquid for the rest of the day: your body cannot absorb that much water at once, so you will simply excrete most of it.
  • Therefore, drink a glass of water regularly to ensure your body is optimally hydrated throughout the day.
  • How much water you need to drink depends on various factors. If you do heavy physical work, that could be 2.5 liters per day. If you work in an office and it's not too warm, many people can get by with 1.5 liters.
  • If you find plain water too bland, you can add a slice of lemon, frozen berries or mint to your drink. Alternatively, sugar-free effervescent tablets provide a fruity taste.

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