
PayPal: Pay as a guest without an account

PayPal: Pay as a guest without an account

If you only use PayPal rarely, you can also pay without an account. However, this is only possible with restrictions.

Pay as a guest without a PayPal account: Instructions

You don't necessarily need to sign up for PayPal if you rarely make payments through the platform. PayPal payments via a guest account only require a few clicks.

  1. In the relevant shop, select the payment method PayPal You will then be redirected to the PayPal payment page.
  2. There you will find the option By direct debit or Credit card. Click on it and fill in the appropriate payment option.
  3. At the end of the form you must enter the activate both checkboxes. Complete the payment process by clicking Agree and continue click.
  4. After checking your Schufa data, you will receive a Confirmationif payment has been made.
  5. Danger: Online stores and individuals can decide for themselves whether to allow payments via guest accounts, so the option may not be available to you if it has been deactivated.

No PayPal account: payment restrictions

If you use PayPal as a guest, you must complete the following restrictions observe:

  • You may onlythree times You can pay in this way before you have to create a PayPal account. Only then will you be able to use the payment service to its full potential.
  • Your purchases must not exceed the amount of 1.500 Euro This applies to all three transactions together. For example, if you make a payment of 500 euros for a new games console, you will only have 1,000 euros available for the remaining two purchases.
  • Whenever you make a purchase as a guest, PayPal compares your bank and address details with the Credit report You don't have to worry about a credit check.

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