
PayPal: Payment not posted – this could be the reason

PayPal: Payment not posted - this could be the reason

If a PayPal payment is marked as “Not posted”, there can be various reasons. In most cases, it is due to incorrect data being entered.

Payment not posted at PayPal: These are the reasons

The status “not booked” is displayed for payments that have not yet been debited from the receiving account. not received or accepted became.

  • One of the most common reasons is an incorrectly entered E-Mail-Address of the recipient. Even a typo on your keyboard will prevent the payment from being debited from the system.
  • It is also possible for sellers to register their email address with PayPal not yet confirmed In this case, you will have to wait until the verification is completed.
  • The payment may have been declined because it was sent to a Email address not yet registered with PayPal was sent. Payments to this email address are only possible once an account has been created and verified.
  • Notice: You don't have to worry about the payment. They will be automatically canceled after 30 days if you do not initiate the cancellation via the e-exchange itself or from the recipient's account.

PayPal payment not posted: Other solutions

  • Certain types of PayPal payments may not accepted by the sales account For example, these may be transactions in foreign currencies.
  • Less commonly, it can be due to Server or network problems incorrect payments may occur. In this case, the transaction will not be posted correctly and you should preferably contact PayPal customer support.
  • Tipp: Your payment status will be “not booked” is displayed, you should contact the seller as a precaution and ask the reason for the status. This will quickly clarify why the payment was not accepted.

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