Artificial intelligence

SearchGPT: This is what the new tool from OpenAI can do

SearchGPT: This is what the new tool from OpenAI can do

Google is still the undisputed top dog among search engines, but SearchGPT could ensure that this changes very soon. Based on everything that has come out so far, the knives are already sharpened for the death blow.

SearchGPT – a search engine with exciting capabilities

SearchGPT was and is being developed by OpenAI, whose main shareholder is Microsoft, one of Google's fiercest competitors. With the new prototype of an AI-supported search engine, the throne on which Google has comfortably settled could be dangerously shaken.

  • The basis for the development of SearchGPT is the GPT-4 model family. The AI ​​developed by OpenAl combines the information found on the Internet to produce a meaningful result. And that is already the significant advantage that SearchGPT has over other search engines such as Google or Bing.
  • SearchGPT doesn't just provide you with a list of links, as you're used to from search engines. The AI-supported search engine independently prepares the information it finds – according to your question. This is not only extremely convenient for you, it also saves you a lot of time in the long run.
  • However, you don't have to blindly rely on the answers created by SearchGPT. The search engine also lists the respective sources in its summary. You also get a list of the relevant links, as you are used to. This way you can quickly check SearchGPT's summary if a formulation seems a bit “weird” to you.

SearchGPT – the eager geek search engine

In developing its AI-powered search engine, OpenAI works with renowned publisher partners such as The Wall Street Journal, Vox Media and The Associated Press. SearchGPT integrates the archives of media companies when searching for answers to your questions and can therefore draw on profound knowledge.

  • The search engine's user interface is designed in such a way that the user can communicate with SearchGPT. In this way, follow-up questions or additional questions can be asked immediately in order to deepen or refine the answer. The search engine, which is supported by artificial intelligence, also provides visual representations, for example in the form of graphics and/or photos, if this is possible.
  • In short: SearchGPT is a little nerd and OpenAI will certainly surprise us with one or two additional functions when it is officially launched. At the moment, the exciting search engine is still in the prototype stage and only around 10,000 test users are allowed to play with it. Later, OpenAI wants to integrate the best features of SearchGPT directly into ChatGPT.

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