Knowledge & Curiosities

Shooting stars in November: How to see the Leonids in the night sky

Shooting stars in November: How to see the Leonids in the night sky

In November you can observe the Leonids in the night sky. Find out where the shooting stars come from and how and when this natural spectacle takes place here.

The Leonids: Shooting stars in November

Die Leoniden are a well-known meteor shower that reaches its peak every year in November. This meteor shower occurs when the Earth sees the debris cloud of the comet Tempel-Tuttle The Leonids are known for their fast speed and their ability to produce particularly bright shooting stars, so-called fireballs.

  • The Leonids occur every year between 6 and 30 November visible, with the peak of the meteor shower typically occurring around 17 to 18 November is reached. During this period, the number of visible meteors is at its highest, and it is possible to see up to 10-20 meteors per hour.
  • For the year 2024 The peak of the Leonid shower is expected to be in the night of 17th to 18th November This date will provide the best chance to observe this natural spectacle.
  • The Leonids occur every year in November because the Earth crosses the orbit of the comet Tempel-Tuttle at this time. This comet leaves a trail of dust and debris that enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up. We see this burned-up debris as shooting stars. Since the Earth's orbit crosses this comet's path at the same time every year, the Leonids can always be observed in November.
  • The Leonids consist of tiny particles that come from the comet Tempel-Tuttle. When these particles enter the Earth's atmosphere, they burn up due to friction and create bright trails of light in the sky. The meteors appear from the constellation Lion (Latin: Leo), which is why they are called “Leonids”.

Observing the Leonids: How to have the best chances

To optimally observe the Leonids, there are a few factors to consider:

  • Ort: Choose a place with as little light pollution as possible. Rural areas or dark parks are ideal. It might be worth taking a short trip for a few days.
  • Time: The best time to observe is in the early morning hours before dawn, when the constellation Leo is high in the sky. Typically, the meteors are best seen between midnight and 4 a.m.
  • Equipment: You don't need any special equipment. You don't need a telescope. A clear view of the sky is enough because you can see the Leonids with the naked eye. Bring a warm blanket and a deck chair with you. This way you can observe the sky comfortably.
  • Wetter: Make sure you have a clear night without clouds. A cloudy night can significantly reduce your ability to see the meteors.

More on the topic:

  • Shooting stars in August: How and when you can admire the Perseids
  • Shooting stars in December: How to watch the Ursids in the night sky
  • Geminids: Shooting star shower in Advent
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