Knowledge & Curiosities

Silver and its uses: This is what the precious metal is used for

Silver and its uses: This is what the precious metal is used for

The use of silver has changed over the centuries. Today, the precious metal is used for jewelry and in the electrical and chemical industries.

The use of silver today

Silver is considered a precious metal and was discovered and used by mankind early on. But silver is still needed in the 21st century.

  • Musical instruments, such as the transverse flute, are still made using silver today. The metal is preferred because it has a positive effect on the sound quality. Jewelry is also still often made from precious metals, including silver.
  • The metal also has medicinal uses. Due to its antibacterial effect, silver is used in very small doses to treat wounds. Silver is also used in the manufacture of some textiles due to its antibacterial effect.
  • Silver is also an important factor in the attempt to produce our energy in an environmentally friendly way. Silver is used in the manufacture of solar panels. This is because silver is particularly conductive, meaning it conducts both electricity and heat well. But the automotive industry also needs silver for various applications.
  • Silver can be found in far more areas than is immediately apparent. Whether on CDs or in deodorant, in detergent or in various plastics – the precious metal is still popular and is used for various purposes.

Silver before the present day

Although silver is more common than gold, for example, it is still rare. The value that people place on the precious metal is correspondingly high. Silver was also put to use in previous centuries.

  • Various rudimentary monetary systems were based on different forms of silver coins. But that wasn't all. Silver was also found in high-quality cutlery, in various pieces of jewelry and in religious objects.
  • Before digital photography took over the market, silver was also necessary for taking photographs. The film that was put in the camera so that the pictures could be developed later contained silver so that the image could be stored.

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