
Snapchat: Delete sending history – here's how

Snapchat: Delete sending history - here's how

You do not delete the Snapchat sending history yourself. However, you can set when the snaps should be deleted.

Delete sending history in Snapchat: Important information

If you want to delete your Snapchat sending history, this is manually not possible.

  • Your snaps will be automatically deletedafter all recipients have opened it. This usually keeps the sending history fairly clear and you can no longer download the content to a device.
  • An exception is the sending history with people from your Snapchat circle of friends. These snaps are 24 hours after viewing or Never deleted.
  • Do you have your Chat and notification settings for your circle of friends on Never delete you must change this option before you can delete the sending history. This is possible via Delete chats possible in the settings.
  • Unopened snaps remain 31 days for individuals and seven days for groups on the servers. These will then also be deleted.
  • Notice: However, do not blindly rely on this assurance from the developers, as there have been security problems with Snapchat in the past. Therefore, despite the automatic deletion, do not send any photos that could harm you.

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As a tech enthusiast and writer for votoh.com, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.