
Stormgate: Information about release and content

Stormgate: Information about release and content

Stormgate, the real-time strategy game inspired by Starcraft 2, enters Early Access and provides insights into various game modes and systems.

Stormgate – what is known at release

Like many other AA and indie developers, Stormgate is pursuing the strategy of continuing to develop or complete the game during an early access campaign. For you, however, this means that only part of the planned content will be available at the start and bugs are to be expected. The game itself is being developed by former Blizzard employees and is in many ways very reminiscent of Starcraft 2.

  • The game will officially launch as a free title in Early Access (EA) on August 13, 2024, while buyers of the EA, EA Deluxe or Ultimate EA Pack have been able to enjoy the game since July 30, 2024.
  • From August 13, 2024, the game can be added to your account for free on the Steam gaming platform at any time and will then be available for download. While the game itself is free, there will be various content in the game that is subject to payment. For example, if you want to play more than the three prologue missions of the campaign, you will have to reach for your wallet.
  • There are three early access packs in total. The cheapest pack costs €24.99 and includes the Vanguard heroine Amara as well as access to the first chapter of the story campaign and a dye to color your army gold.
  • With the Deluxe Pack for €39.99 you get the contents of the cheaper pack as well as two additional heroes: the Infernal hero Maloc and the Celestial heroine Auralanna, as well as a chicken as a pet.
  • The Ultimate Pack for €59.99 gives you access to the contents of the other two packs as well as another, previously unknown, hero and the missions for Chapters 2 and 3 of the campaign. You also get a new color for the Fog of War in the game. This is the fog that obscures the map until you reveal it.
  • Overall, the development studio is planning an EA period of one year until the game is fully released, but reserves the right to extend the period should development require it.

This content awaits you in Stormgate

For the EA release of Stormgate, developer Frost Giant Studios provides an insight into various game modes and systems that will be continuously developed and expanded with new content.

  • At the beginning, the game offers, in addition to the 3 missions of the prologue of the story campaign (missions 4-6 if you have purchased one of the EA packs), a 1v1 PvP mode and a co-op mode for three players, in which you compete together against the AI.
  • In co-op mode, you will use the heroes you received when you purchased the EA packs. They level up after each co-op round, unlocking new skills that can then be used in the next session.
  • The three factions in the game are the Vanguard, Celestial and Infernal. Each of these archetypes is characterized by its own play style, including exclusive units and buildings.
  • Vanguard is the human faction that uses technology to defend itself against the Infernals. Its main feature is that it adapts quickly to the situation and achieves success efficiently. For example, Vanguard units and buildings can have and switch between different modes. Workers of the faction are able to build several buildings at the same time.
  • The Celestials' style of play is very different from that of the other factions. This very advanced race has a spaceship that you can move freely around the map. From there you create an area within which you then place buildings. You also have to pay attention to energy consumption, as your troops benefit from a surplus of available energy. However, too much consumption weakens them.
  • As an Infernal, you use the souls of your race to make use of the “Shroud” mechanic. This strengthens your units within its radius and gives you a shield that absorbs damage. As a magical demon race, Infernals are summoned to the battlefield through rituals. This allows the teleporters to summon several units at once.
  • A roadmap has already been put together for the period after the EA launch, which summarizes which features will be implemented in the near future. New maps, new campaign missions, new co-op heroes and a map editor are being developed, among other things. The map editor will then enable players to create their own maps. There will also be a co-op campaign and a 3v3 PvP mode.

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