Knowledge & Curiosities

Temperature of the Earth: How warm it is

Temperature of the Earth: How warm it is

The temperature of the earth is not the same everywhere. In contrast to the scorching heat of the earth's interior and the cold and heat of the earth's atmosphere, the earth's surface is ideal for humans.

The temperature of the earth in its four climate zones

There are four climate zones on the Earth's surface, stretching from the equator to the two poles. All four climate zones in the northern and southern hemispheres have characteristic features and specific temperatures that can almost always be measured with standard thermometers.

  • Tropical climate zone: This zone extends from the equator on the one hand to the Tropic of Capricorn and on the other to the Tropic of Capricorn. The amount of precipitation is usually considerable. The very high temperatures remain relatively constant throughout the year and range between 23 °C and 27 °C.
  • Subtropical climate zone: This zone is located north and south of the tropical zones. The average temperatures are between 18 °C and 22 ºC. In dry subtropical areas, such as deserts, temperatures can reach up to 50 ºC get hot
  • Temperate climate zone: The temperate zone has an average value of 10 °C between the subtropical and polar climate zones. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter have a very large impact on the temperatures, which in summer are increasingly above 30 °C and in winter below 0 °C fall.
  • Polar climate zone: With very little precipitation, this zone lies in the Arctic and Antarctic. Temperatures can reach about freezing in summer and as low as -70 in winter. °C sink.

The temperatures in the Earth’s interior

Ideally, the interior of the Earth consists of several concentric spherical shells. The following rule applies: “The deeper into the Earth, the higher the temperature.” On average, the Earth's crust gets 1 degree Celsius warmer for every 33 meters of depth.

  • Earth surface: The average temperature on the earth's surface is currently 15 degrees Celsius. Due to climate change, it is expected to become increasingly warmer in the future. The extreme values ​​measured so far on the earth's surface range from -89 °C in Antarctica up to 58 °C in desert areas.
  • Erdmantel: At a depth of about 60 km, the estimated temperatures are about 1,000 to 1,200 °C. At a depth of 600 km, about 1,500 °C accepted.
  • Earth’s core: At the boundary between the Earth’s mantle and the outer core, the heat is probably about 3,700 °C. At the transition from the outer to the inner core, temperatures can reach about 4,600 °Reach C.

The temperatures in the Earth's atmosphere

The Earth's atmosphere is usually divided into five layers. However, the temperatures prevailing in each layer are completely different.

  • Troposphere (with an altitude of up to about 15 km): Here the temperatures decrease with increasing altitude. The average value at ground level is about 15 °C. Until the transition to the stratosphere it gets colder and colder to about -50 °C.
  • stratosphere (with an altitude of about 15 to 50 km): Here the temperatures rise again with altitude from about -50 °C down to 0 °C at the boundary to the mesosphere.
  • Mesosphere (with an altitude of about 50 to 80 km): The temperatures drop again from 0 °C down to -90 °C at the boundary to the thermosphere.
  • Thermosphere (with an altitude of about 80 to 500 km): The temperatures rise again sharply and reach hundreds of degrees Celsius.
  • Exosphere (with an altitude of over 500 km): Depending on the solar radiation, the temperatures increase from approx. 500 °C to thousands of degrees.
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