Knowledge & Curiosities

The oldest turtle in the world: All information about Jonathan

The oldest turtle in the world: All information about Jonathan

The oldest turtle in the world lives on an island in the Atlantic and is now over 190 years old.

Oldest turtle in the world is over 190 years old

The oldest land animal in the world is probably a turtle named Jonathan.

  • Nobody knows the exact date of the turtle's birth. But letters and photos from days long gone prove that Jonathan must be over 190 years old.
  • It is therefore estimated that the turtle was born around the year 1832. This means that Jonathan not only experienced two world wars and the construction of the first car: he also lived before the invention of the telephone and even before the postage stamp.
  • Jonathan's home is on the Atlantic island of St. Helena. There the turtle lives together with other giant tortoises in the garden of the governor's residence.
  • When the turtle was about 50 years old, a British colony brought it to St. Helena. Before that, Jonathan lived on the Seychelles in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The Seychelles are famous for their beautiful white beaches and rare animal species that can be observed there.

Turtle became an icon

Jonathan the turtle likes to sleep in the shade of the trees in the large garden.

  • Of course, age has also brought its first side effects with it: Jonathan has now become blind and his sense of smell is no longer working as well. However, the animal is said to still be able to hear very well.
  • Despite these limitations, the animal is in good health according to veterinary findings. Giant tortoises usually reach an average age of 150 years – so Jonathan is already a few years older.
  • For many people, the turtle has become a symbol of survival. The animal gives hope and has become an icon. There is now even a coin with a picture of Jonathan on it. To mark what is believed to be his 190th birthday, a postage stamp with a picture of the turtle was even released.

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