Artificial intelligence

Use ChatGPT for free: What you need to know

Use ChatGPT for free: What you need to know

The free AI tool ChatGPT is on everyone's lips. It is available for free via the browser and as an app. Read what you need to know.

Use ChatGPT for free via browser

Since the beginning of 2023, OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, which works with artificial intelligence (AI), has been on everyone's lips. The tool responds to your inquiries in chat format and can answer simple questions as well as write complex texts such as presentations and papers.

  • You can easily use the AI ​​tool in your browser by opening the website
  • There is also a desktop application for Windows and a separate ChatGPT app.
  • Before you start, you must register with your email address and then you can for free to use.
  • Unfortunately, the free version is more likely to experience overloads, especially in the early evening hours. The error message “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” is then displayed and you cannot use the chatbot.
  • ChatGPT can now also generate images and presentations.

Use directly online

  • ChatGPT 08.08.2024

    ChatGPT - OpenAI Textgenerator

    ChatGPT 08.08.2024

    ChatGPT is a free AI text generator that can generate any text and knows answers to most questions.

Costs of the Plus version: This is what you have to expect

There is also a paid professional version of ChatGPT. This launched on February 2, 2023 in the US and is also available in Germany.

  • The price for ChatGPT Plus is around $23.80 (approximately €22) per month.
  • One advantage of the Plus version is that you can log in at any time. A certain part of the server is always blocked for Plus customers, who can therefore always access the tool.
  • In addition, new features will be released first for ChatGPT Plus customers.

How does ChatGPT work – and what are the limits?

The tool draws on an enormous database and is able to learn independently through search queries and feedback. However, it is currently not connected to the Internet, so it is not able to output information that was created after 2021 (Stand 31.01.2023).

Beware of subscription traps for apps & co.

However, be wary of apps that take advantage of the open source model and try to make money with expensive subscription traps.

  • There are now new apps in the various app stores such as “Genie – AI Chatbot”, which are based on ChatGPT and some of which offer subscriptions with a price of up to 180 euros.
  • However, it is not necessary to download an app and pay money if you want to try the AI ​​tool on your mobile phone. Simply open the link with your mobile phone and log in or download the app. The application contains the same functions as the web version and is of course free. There is also an app for Android.
  • Occasionally, the website may become overloaded due to increased demand. If this is the case, please try again later.

Whether via app or browser – How to use ChatGPT effectively

To get the best possible results from the ChatGPT chatbot, you need to consider a few things.

  • If you want to receive precise answers, she should answer your questions clear, simple and precise Ambiguous wording should be avoided to avoid misunderstandings.
  • If you have specific questions context and help the AI ​​with suitable examplesAny additional information will help ensure you receive accurate and relevant answers.
  • It is best to experiment with your instructions. You can also The follow-up question is asked or Add instructionsThe language model ChatGPT remembers your current conversation. Try to formulate your questions or prompts differently until you get the result you want.
  • Even though ChatGPT is able to generate high quality texts, it is advisable to Check results againPlease take the time to check the generated content for accuracy and make adjustments before simply adopting the content.
  • You can also Give feedbackIf you find any errors or inappropriate content, you can report them to the OpenAI team to help them continuously improve the quality of the model.

ChatGPT: How the language model works

The ChatGPT language model works by analyzing large amounts of text data from the Internet and learning patterns in human language. These patterns enable the artificial intelligence to generate human-like texts that respond to the text entered.

The way ChatGPT works can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Training: ChatGPT has been trained on a diverse set of text data collected from books, articles, websites, and other sources. During training, the model learns how words, sentences, and contexts are related in natural language.
  2. Word processing: When a request is made to ChatGPT, the model analyzes the input text and uses its internal representations to understand the context and meaning.
  3. Generation: ChatGPT then generates a response for users by generating text based on the understood context. The model can compose both short responses and longer texts.
  4. Adjustment: OpenAI can customize ChatGPT for specific use cases or specific tasks. This can be done by fine-tuning it to specific data or by using instructions.
  5. interaction: ChatGPT can interact in a variety of ways, whether textually through a user interface or as part of an application.
About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.