
WhatsApp class group: These rules help with class chat

WhatsApp class group: These rules help with class chat

A class group or a class chat in WhatsApp needs rules. This ensures smooth communication and avoids problems.

Rules for the WhatsApp class group

If you and your students have agreed to set up a class group on WhatsApp, you should discuss rules for communication. This will prevent trouble and bring different ideas about what content is communicated in the chat to a common denominator. Involve the parents in advance and ask for their consent to a WhatsApp group with the children. In the upper grades, it should work without it.

  • Existing Regulatethat you have agreed for the class community, to the WhatsApp class group. This means you are using an existing basis that you simply adapt to digital exchange.
  • If it is a class group, all learnersadded to the WhatsApp group. As a teacher, you should communicate this clearly to the students. This is not about sympathy or antipathy, but about making certain information accessible to everyone.
  • Agree with the learners at the same time Consequencesthat occur when someone violates the agreed rules.
  • For the actual communication in the chat, it should be agreed that no one is allowed to insult or slander. Comments must be avoided.
  • When it comes to images and videos, we recommend that you draw clear boundaries. You should neither pictures nor videos in a class group allow. They pose the risk that people who have not given their consent will be shown. You can save yourself any trouble by saying “NO” at this point.
  • Clear agreements must also be made about what content is posted in the class group. Since this is an exchange between learners and the respective teacher, the chat should only be about school matters go.
  • What exactly counts as school content must also be clearly regulated. For example, as a teacher in this group, you are not allowed to announce dates for a class test, postpone them, or change exam topics. However, if someone has a question about clothing on a school trip, that is a reasonable question about the content.
  • Think in advance about how you will deal with students who do not have a smartphone or do not use WhatsApp. Since these students would then be excluded from the class group, the question arises as to whether it makes sense to set up such a group.
  • Finally, you can Times in which chatting takes place. Another useful rule is, for example, that messages intended for one person only are sent to that person privately. This avoids receiving too many messages that are unnecessary and have no place in the class group.
  • An important topic is arguments. It is best to clarify that any arguments that may arise during chatting will not be resolved in the chat, but must wait until everyone involved is in the classroom.

Appropriate measures in case of violations of the rules

Of course, it depends on the age and awareness of the learners. It is possible that everyone will follow all the rules at all times, but this is unlikely. Therefore, all group members should be clear from the start about what will happen if a rule is broken.

  • If a rule is violated while chatting, it is a good idea to politely point out to the person that he or she should please follow the rules.
  • You can also appoint a person who is specifically responsible for ensuring that the rules are followed. This could be the class representative, for example. This gives them some responsibility.
  • If students do not follow the agreed rules, they can be temporarily removed from the class group. They should then discuss the rule violation with all students in the school. A suitable method for this is the class council.
  • In the case of serious violations, bullying and the use of photos and videos, also contact the parents. Invite them to a meeting at school and discuss the problem in person.

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