
Which programming languages ​​are there? List with explanations

Which programming languages ​​are there? List with explanations

The question of which programming languages ​​exist would require a list of several hundred languages. The most important are those that are used frequently.

What programming languages ​​are there? The most important ones at a glance

Some programming languages ​​are considered to be fundamental to programming. Accordingly, they are usually used for well-known applications and it can be beneficial to know them.

  • Python: This programming language has been around since 1991. Python is one of the absolute classics among programming languages ​​and has a large following. The language is characterized by a minimalist and clearly structured style and is therefore accessible even for beginners. The language is also versatile, whether for web development, process automation or data analysis.
  • Java: Java has also been around since the 90s and is a popular language thanks to its large following. A particular advantage is its compatibility, which makes the language largely platform-independent. The language is robust and can be used for various projects, as it is suitable for large and small projects and is versatile, whether for apps or web applications.
  • C++: The language is an extension of C, which is considered the starting point of modern programming languages ​​and dates back to the 1970s. The language requires a little more knowledge, but is extremely versatile, both in terms of the size of the projects and the possible applications. More manual control offers more creative control on the one hand, but also more potential errors and security holes on the other.
  • C# (C-Sharp): The programming language comes from the Microsoft universe and is therefore particularly easy to integrate into Microsoft applications, but can now also be used in other applications. The large community makes work easier. In addition, the language's error detection is excellent, but it also requires a little more effort during programming. C# is used for apps as well as web or desktop applications.
  • JavaScript: The programming language was originally designed primarily for interaction and dynamic HTML on the web. The language is suitable for smaller projects and can be edited directly in the browser. The large community is also an advantage, both for acceptance and for finding your way around. However, JavaScript is only of limited use for larger projects.

Other popular programming languages

In addition to the absolute classics of programming languages, there are other languages ​​that enjoy great popularity.

  • PHP: The programming language is platform-independent and suitable for beginners as well as advanced users. The language focuses on web applications and is based on open source. PHP is often pre-installed or supported and is continuously developed. However, the size of projects that can be implemented is limited.
  • Ruby: Ruby impresses with its intuitive operation, based on a clearly structured and simple design. The language is often used for scripting, but can also handle web content and automation. The language is also platform-independent and free. But even here, larger projects reach their limits.
  • Swift: The language was only launched in 2014 and is therefore one of the young programming languages. Swift's clear structure makes it suitable for beginners, but it also has plenty to offer advanced users and focuses primarily on use in the Apple universe. The ongoing developments offer new opportunities, but also sometimes compatibility problems.
  • Go: Go is also one of the newer programming languages. The language is based on clear structures and therefore easy accessibility, but at the same time offers good and fast performance. Go is particularly suitable for cloud and backend applications. However, the language can be unproductive for small projects. In addition, tools and support from the (still) small community are lacking.

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