MS Office

Word :Delete page on Mac – How to do it

Word :Delete page on Mac - How to do it

There are several methods available to delete a page in Word for Mac. These are suitable for both empty and full pages.

Word for Mac: Delete blank page

Deleting blank pages in Word is easy. All you need is a button.

  • You can delete blank pages in a Word document using the (Delete)If you use a keyboard without this option, you can use the key combination (Fn) and (regression) available.
  • Then place the cursor behind the text on the page before the page you want to delete. Press (Delete) to delete the lines, breaks, and paragraphs that belong to the unwanted page.
  • Without content, the page will then removed. Just be careful not to delete the next page in this way if it is important to the document.
  • Tipp: Use the Paragraph marksto make paragraphs and line breaks visible. This can make deletion easier.

Word: Delete page on Mac

On a Mac, you can delete pages in Word with content or not at the end using the Marking functions:

  • Click on the page you want to delete. It does not matter where in the text you want to Cursor set.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut (cmd) + (A)to select the entire selected page. Then simply press (Delete) to delete it all at once.
  • If you want to delete several pages at once, place the cursor in one of the pages you want to delete. Then press the key combination (Option) + (cmd) + (G) to open the Replace field.
  • At Enter page number Now enter the page number of the first page you want to remove. Press (Enter) and close the window.
  • Then call (F8) the advanced marking mode. Then open the Replace field again via (Option) + (cmd) + (G).
  • Now you have to enter the number of pages of the last page to be deleted plus 1 For example, if the last page to be deleted is 7, you must enter 8.
  • About (Enter) confirm the selection. Then remove the marked pages with (Delete).

Also interesting:

  • Word for Mac: Change language
  • Word for Mac: Switch between document windows
  • Word: How to search and replace on a Mac
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As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.