
Writing AI texts: How it works

Writing AI texts: How it works

Want to learn more about AI copywriting? In this article, we'll give you an overview of the basics of AI copywriting.

Writing AI texts: What you need to consider

By following these steps, you can write high-quality AI copy that is informative, engaging, and well-structured. Remember that the final product will still require your personal review and adjustment to ensure it meets your specific requirements and standards.

  • Define topic and target group: Define the topic of your text and identify your target audience. This will help you choose the right tone and language for your readers.
  • Conduct research: Gather information on your topic by consulting relevant sources. These can be books, academic articles, websites, or other reliable sources of information. Make sure the information is current and trustworthy.
  • Define structure: Think of a clear structure for your text. A typical structure includes an introduction, main sections, and a summary. Each section should convey a clear message or idea.
  • Insert AI generated text: If you KI-Text generated, paste it into the relevant section of your text. Check the generated text for clarity, coherence and correctness. If necessary, you can adjust the generated text to ensure that it meets your requirements.
  • Check language and style: Make sure your language is clear and understandable. Avoid overly complicated expressions and technical jargon unless your target audience consists of experts in the field. Read the text out loud or have someone else proofread it to identify any errors or ambiguities.
  • Review and edit: Read the entire text carefully and check it for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and other stylistic inconsistencies. Make changes if necessary to improve the quality and readability of the text. It is very important that you can check the content of the AI ​​texts and ensure that the statements in the text are factually correct.
  • Add references: Don't forget to properly cite all sources used and add a list of references or a bibliography at the end of your text. Many AIs can spit out a list of the sources they used to generate the text upon request.

Writing AI texts: The best tools

Here are some of the AI ​​text generators available online:

  • ChatGPT by OpenAI: ChatGPT is probably the best text generator currently available online. The LLM model can write AI texts for you, taking your wishes into account. It can also generate texts in a variety of languages ​​and styles.
  • You can also write AI texts with the following alternatives to ChatGPT: Neuroflash,,, Writesonic, Rytr, Jaspar, Mindverse. Many of these AI text generators have free versions to try out. These are usually limited to a set number of words or characters. But to find the best tool for your AI text, you should look around a bit.

Use directly online

  • ChatGPT 08.08.2024

    ChatGPT - OpenAI Textgenerator

    ChatGPT 08.08.2024

    ChatGPT is a free AI text generator that can generate any text and knows answers to most questions.

Writing AI texts: challenges and dangers

AI writing presents both challenges and potential dangers associated with the use of AI. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • Quality and coherence: While AI text generators can deliver impressive results, they often still have limitations when it comes to producing high-quality and coherent texts. The generated texts can be incoherent, contain incorrect information, or fail to properly capture the context. This requires careful review and, if necessary, adjustment of the generated text to ensure that it meets the desired quality standards.
  • Ethics and responsibility: AI texts can generate a wide variety of content, including controversial, misleading, or unethical information. It is important to maintain ethical standards and ensure that the texts generated do not make false claims, promote discrimination, or have other negative impacts. Responsible writing and thorough review of generated texts are essential to avoid potential harm.
  • Copyrights and plagiarism: When using AI text generators, it is important to respect the copyrights and intellectual property rights of others. Generated texts should not contain any unauthorized use of protected material or plagiarism. Make sure you have sufficient knowledge of copyright regulations and citation rules and follow them accordingly. We have explained copyright in another article.
  • Dependence on AI: Using AI text generators can lead to a certain level of dependency, especially when used as a primary source of text content. It is important to recognize the limitations of AI and bring human expertise and judgment into the writing process. Combining AI with human review and editing can help achieve better results and minimize potential risks.
  • Trust could be jeopardized: Many readers trust the brands they consume content from. If readers are deceived or promised standards are not met, this can lead to a loss of trust among your readers.
  • Content could gradually become more similar: If all texts are written by AIs that use the same data to generate texts, then the generated texts will be very similar, which will make differentiation and unique selling points for individual texts very difficult.

AI writing texts: advantages

However, AI writing also offers a number of advantages that can make the writing process more efficient, creative and versatile. Here are some of the most important advantages:

  • Time saving: AI text generators can speed up the writing process by automatically generating text. Instead of starting from scratch, AI models can serve as a starting point to generate ideas or suggest passages of text. This saves time and allows writers to focus on other aspects of writing.
  • Creative Inspiration: AI text generators can serve as an inspirational tool to generate new ideas or provide food for thought, allowing writers to become more creative. By inputting a topic or question, AI models can offer alternative perspectives or suggest unconventional approaches that can stimulate creative thinking.
  • Improved productivity: By letting AI text generators take over repetitive tasks, writers can increase their productivity. Routine text passages, such as standard answers to frequently asked questions or product descriptions, can be generated efficiently, allowing writers to focus on more demanding tasks.
  • Quality improvement: AI text generators can help improve the quality of texts. Through automated suggestions and corrections, they can point out errors in grammar, spelling or style and help to improve the overall quality of text.
  • Support in the research process: AI text generators can assist in the research process by providing relevant information on a topic. They can provide facts, statistics or background information that can serve as a basis for further research.
  • Cost savings: People who write texts are expensive, while AI writing texts is now cheap. If you have good ideas for texts but don't have the money to pay copywriters to write them, then an AI text generator is a helpful alternative.
About author

As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.