
Xing: How to post a job advertisement

Xing: How to post a job advertisement

Placing a job ad on XING is usually profitable for employers. After all, the network has many highly qualified members.

Placing a job advertisement on Xing – what you need to know

Placing a job advert on Xing is quick and easy. Basically, you just have to decide which of the different advert types best suits the position you are advertising.

  • Unlike before, membership in the social network is no longer mandatory. You can easily post a job advertisement even if you have not created a profile on Xing.
  • All you have to do is select the appropriate format for the vacant position from the various ad types. Xing provides you with a total of four ad options, which differ significantly in terms of both the services offered and the price.
  • You can choose between four ad types: Essential, Core, Pro and Ultimate. The price range is from €539 to €1,399 per ad. Depending on the type you choose, the job advertisements will be published on XING and kununu as well as on other job platforms and various social media channels.
  • If your company is doing particularly well and you have an increased need for skilled employees, you should contact XING customer service to get a discount on job advertisements.
  • Good to know: Like CHIP, XING belongs to Hubert Burda Media.

Job ad type XING – Essential

For professionals in sectors such as construction, production, logistics, automotive, social services, care, trade, etc.

  • Duration: 30 Takes
  • Preis: 599 € per advert, reduced price from 539 € when booking multiple job advertisements
  • publication: on XING and kununu as well as advertising the job advertisement on other specific platforms
  • Help with creating ads: AI feature for ad creation and optimization
  • Additional booking: increased reach through targeted social recruiting campaigns

Job advertisement type XING Core

For office jobs and skilled workers

  • Duration: 30 days or 15 days
  • Preis: 699 € per ad for 30 days or 399 € per ad for 15 days
  • publication: XING and kununu
  • Extra: View profile suggestions and visitors
  • Help with creating ads: AI feature for ad creation and optimization
  • Additional booking: increased reach through targeted social recruiting campaigns

Job advertisement type XING Pro

For office jobs and skilled workers

  • Duration: 30 Take
  • Preis: 999 € per ad
  • publication: Prioritized placement on XING and kununu as well as increased promotion of the ad on other platforms
  • Extra: View profile suggestions and visitors
  • Help with creating ads: AI feature for ad creation and optimization
  • Special: Invite up to 5 XING members to apply and notify the top 50 XING members
  • Additional booking: increased reach through targeted social recruiting campaigns
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As a tech enthusiast and writer for, I focus on providing practical solutions for common issues related to iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Office, Smart TVs, software, games, and hardware. With a passion for simplifying technology, I aim to make complex topics accessible to everyone, offering tips and troubleshooting advice to help users navigate the digital world with ease.