Household & Living

How long does a refrigerator last? Information on lifespan

How long does a refrigerator last? Information on lifespan

How long a refrigerator lasts depends on the model, but also on how much time and love you put into maintaining the appliance.

How long a refrigerator lasts on average

Kitchen appliances generally have a fairly long lifespan, but there are differences depending on the model – including refrigerators.

  • On average, a refrigerator lasts about ten to 15 years. It can be assumed that higher-priced models will last a little longer than cheaper ones.
  • When you should buy a new refrigerator depends mainly on how much electricity your appliance uses, because consumption often increases over the years and new models can score points with improved energy consumption.
  • With an electricity meter, you can find out whether your old refrigerator is still portable or has become an energy guzzler. Measure the electricity consumption for a week and then extrapolate the costs over a whole year. Then compare these with the electricity costs for new refrigerators.
  • If the refrigerator is still fully functional and the power consumption is within limits, you do not need to buy a new appliance even after 10 to 15 years, because from an environmental point of view, the disposal of an old appliance is also a burden.

How to properly care for your refrigerator

To ensure that your refrigerator remains functional for as long as possible, you should maintain it regularly.

  • Once a month you should clean the refrigerator with a cloth and some vinegar water after emptying it.
  • If water collects at the bottom of the refrigerator, you should adjust the door so that a sheet of paper between the seal and the door is difficult to pull out. If cracks appear in the seal, you should have it replaced.
  • If you have a refrigerator with an integrated freezer, you should defrost it once a year to keep the cooling performance constant and not increase electricity consumption unnecessarily.

Also interesting for you:

  • Power consumption: old and new refrigerator compared
  • Warranty for electrical appliances – how long is it?
  • How to set the refrigerator temperature optimally
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