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Walking meditation: How to prevent stress by walking

Walking meditation: How to prevent stress by walking

Walking meditation can help us live more mindfully and healthily and prevent stress. Even going to the supermarket can become a conscious experience.

Walking mediation: where it comes from and what advantages it has

Just like sitting meditation, walking meditation also has its origins in Asia. It is a form of mindfulness meditation and is practiced while walking slowly. In contrast to sitting meditation, walking meditation combines our movements with the conscious perception of the moment.

  • Walking mediation has its Origin in Buddhist practice, more precisely in Zen Buddhism. It has been used in monasteries for centuries and serves as a supplement to sitting meditation.
  • Walking meditation can be a wonderful way Mindfulness in everyday life to integrate, because how often do we think that we don't have time for meditation? In contrast to sitting meditation, for which we “have to” consciously take time, walking meditation can be practiced while going to the supermarket or while taking a walk.
  • For beginners, walking meditation is a good introduction to meditation at all, because many people find sitting tiring and difficult. Distracting thoughts, numb limbs and the desperate attempt to think of nothing often make many people give up after a short time. Walking meditation helps you get around these hurdles.
  • The health benefits cannot be ignored. Walking meditation can reduce anxiety, help with depression, stimulate digestion and train the sense of balance. Scientists have even found that walking meditation can have a positive effect on blood sugar and cortisol levels in type 2 diabetics.
  • Like other types of meditation, walking meditation also helps Reduce stressThe combination of movement and breathing calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation.

How to start walking meditation

You don't need much to start walking meditation. Everything you need is already there: your breath, your body, your senses. When we become consciously aware of our surroundings again, we are already in the middle of meditation.

  • For starters it is beneficial if you find a quiet place where you can walk undisturbed. This could be a forest, a park or even the hallway of your apartment. The main thing is that there are few distractions, which makes it easier for you to start meditating. This also means: put your cell phone away or turn it off.
  • Arriving in the here and now: Start by standing or sitting quietly. Concentrate on your breathing. Feel how your body moves as you breathe in and out. After a short time, you can direct your attention to your feet. Consciously notice how they touch the floor.
  • Nun start walking slowly. Take each step consciously and slowly, paying close attention to the movement of your feet and legs. Breathe in and out consciously, but without tensing up. Just be aware of your breathing.
  • After a few meters you can other senses: What do you smell? What do you hear? What colors do you perceive? Observe everything without judgment. And if you catch your thoughts wandering, come back to your breathing and conscious walking.
  • Would you like to End meditationdo that. It doesn't matter if it's after 5 minutes or 30 minutes. Only you will feel when it's time to end the meditation.
  • Take a moment to Reflect: How do you feel now compared to when you first started meditating? How does your body feel? What feelings do you notice? Reflecting on the meditation helps you to recognize and reinforce the positive effects.
  • Meditation apps can support walking meditation. For example, the 7Mind app offers instructions for walking meditation alongside numerous other meditation instructions and courses, some of which are covered by health insurance. The “Calm” app also offers instructions for walking meditation.

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